Title Insurance: Local customs and market practices vary by county in Florida as to who pays Owner's Title Insurance and title search fees. Many fees are based on contractual agreements with parties.
♦ Title search – Research the title in the public records to verify ownership, that title is clear and that no liens or outstanding claims are tied to the property.
♦ Closing fee – Covers all administrative services provided to clear and report all issues and requirements with all key players in the transaction.
♦ Owner’s Title Insurance policy – Insures the new owner has clear title and ownership. .
♦ Real estate sales commission – Fees paid to the Realtors® for their services
♦ Payoff of existing mortgage(s)
♦ Home warranty (if offered by seller)
♦ Homeowner’s Association Estoppel Fee (HOA pay-off statement)
♦ Homeowner’s Association Dues prorated to date of closing
♦ Taxes prorated to date of closing – An adjustment to ensure that both the seller and the buyer pay their share of the annual property taxes for the time they owned the property.
♦ Doc stamps on deed 0.7% based on sales price – charges by local government entities to record the transfer of property and make it matter of public record.
♦ Lender fees, if applicable and specific charges exist